Sustainability Minor

15 hours CAN change the world

Missouri S&T offers undergraduate students from any department the opportunity to pursue a minor in Sustainability.

Sustainability is the minimal use of natural resources, and the process of replacing used resources, to meet the current demands of society without compromising the needs of future generations.

The National Science Foundation in collaboration with the National Academy of Engineering highlighted sustainability as a key theme to the “Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st Century.” The future well-being of human societies will be dependent on progress in our understanding of sustainability.

This multi-disciplinary undergraduate minor will prepare S&T students to evaluate efficient energy and materials usage, and greenhouse gas emissions in a global society. It will touch upon many fields of study including social sciences, natural sciences, engineering and business.

This minor has applications in the management of natural resources, such as energy and agriculture, and also in the development of businesses and engineering solutions. It relates not just to the development of technologies, but helps shape political and cultural policies to promote practices that lead to a more sustainable environment.

No matter what your major, you can help build a sustainable future!

Course Requirements

The minor requires 15 hours of approved classes. One class, CE/EnvE 5642 Sustainability (3 credit hours), is required of all students. Students also take at least two approved classes from each of two general categories: social science classes and science/technical classes (see below). Classes that meet the minor requirements in each category span many departments on campus, given the interdisciplinary nature of sustainability. At least nine credit hours must be from outside the student’s home degree program.

Required Class:
  • EnvE 5642 – Sustainability, Population, Energy, Water and Materials
    This class looks at society-wide issues and the ethos of sustaining our social advancement and infrastructure development.

The curricula criteria for this minor, including lists of approved courses in the two general categories, is maintained by the Sustainability Program Board.

Interested students may contact a Sustainability Program Board Representative to apply for the minor and to receive assistance with meeting requirements.

2022-2023 Board of Representatives

Arts & Humanities

Taylor Gruenloh
(573) 341-4185
Shane Epting
(573) 341-4869


Heath Pickerill
(573) 341-7637
Joel Burken
(573) 341-6547


Thomas Schuman
(573) 341-6236
Katherine Sharp
(573) 341-4192

Social Sciences

Wen-Bin (Vincent) Yu
(573) 341-7502
Cassie Elrod
(573) 341-7212

Social Science Classes (at least two required):

  • Econ 4440 - Environmental and Natural Resources Economics
  • Econ 4540 - Energy Economics
  • Econ 4641 - Foundations of Sustainability
  • Econ 4642 - Introduction to Global Eco- and Social-preneurship and Innovation
  • Econ 5644 - Creativity, Innovation, and Sustainability
  • History 2510 - History of Technology
  • History 3530 - History of Science
  • History/Pol Sci 3763 - Contemporary Political Thought
  • History 4435 - History of the American West
  • History 4470 - American Environmental History
  • History 4580  - Issues in Science, Technology and Society
  • Philos 4350 - Environmental Ethics
  • Pol. Sci. 3300 - Principles of Public Policy
  • Pol. Sci. 4510 - Politics of the Third World
  • Psych 4730 - Environmental Psychology

Technical and Science Classes (at least two required):

  • Arch Eng/Civ Eng 5448 - Green Engineering: Analysis of Constructed Facilities
  • Arch Eng 5850 - Residential Renewable Energy Systems
  • Bio Sci 1173 - Introduction to Environmental Science
  • Bio Sci 4563 - Global Ecology
  • Chem Eng 5330 - Alternative Fuels
  • Civ Eng/Env Eng 2601 - Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering and Science
  • Env Eng/Civ Eng 5670 - Solid Waste Management
  • Eng Mgt 5513 - Energy and Sustainability Management Engineering
  • Mech Eng 5282/Aero Eng 5282- Introduction to Composite Materials and Structures