Grad Track Program

Fast track your career!

Add a master’s degree to your bachelor’s with just one additional year of graduate work

  • Ideal for students going directly into industry
  • Streamlines the application process
  • No GRE is required
  • Reduces coursework by combining electives

Degrees Offered

• B.S. CE and M.S. CE
• B.S. ArchE and M.S. CE with ArchE Emphasis
• B.S. EnvE and M.S. EnvE
The program requires continuous enrollment through the completion of the B.S. and the M.S. degrees.

Program Benefits

  • Undergraduate and graduate courses may be chosen with greater flexibility
  • Up to nine hours of 5000-level or above CArEE coursework or other pre-approved courses may be applied to both the B.S. and M.S. requirements
  • The classes taken for shared B.S./M.S. credit may be taken at the lower undergraduate tuition rate
  • GRE is not required for admission
  • Other graduate credit courses may be taken anytime after entering the program
  • Work on the thesis project may begin before the B.S. requirements are completed
  • Grad Track Overview
  • Program Requirements

Grad Track Overview

A Grad Track Pathway offers early provisional admission to the master’s degree program to exceptional undergraduate students and is designed for these students to earn coursework credit towards their master’s degree while completing their bachelor’s degree in the same discipline. This pathway is defined by a set of graduate-level courses (no more than nine credit hours) that apply towards the bachelor’s degree and then also towards the associated master’s degree.

Graduate coursework taken for undergraduate credit will be considered advanced level, will be included in the student’s undergraduate GPA, and will be assessed undergraduate tuition rates. Advanced level coursework includes any 5000- or 6000-level lecture courses approved for use in the pathway.

Graduate coursework taken for undergraduate credit as part of the pathway applies to the associated master’s degree when the student has completed the bachelor’s degree, has been admitted to the associated master’s degree program, and the Form 1 (Plan of Study) has been approved.

Program Requirements

    1. A department must have an established pathway between a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. Usually, the master’s degree will be in the same discipline as the bachelor’s degree the student is pursuing. Exceptions may be possible but must be justified1 and approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies.
    2. A student is eligible to apply to the pathway once the following criteria are met:
      • Must be one year from graduation of their bachelor’s degree (excluding the semester they are currently enrolled).
      • Must have a 3.0 minimum cumulative GPA.
      • Must have a 3.5 minimum GPA in the group of designated courses specified by the department.
    3. Eligible students must submit the “Admission and Course Approval” form to the graduate advisor, the department chair or designee, and then the dean of graduate studies. Individual departments may require additional documents such as unofficial copies of transcripts, statements of purpose, letters of recommendation, or standardized test scores. The signed “Admission and Course Approval” form ensures the pathway courses will satisfy degree requirements for the student’s bachelor’s degree program.
    4. Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 until they receive their bachelor’s degree.
    5. Students must receive grades of B or better in the graduate courses they enroll in as part of the pathway course sequence.
    6. Students actively taking pathway courses must formally apply for admission to the master’s program associated with the pathway. This requires submitting a formal application for admission so that the semester admit term for the master’s degree immediately follows the semester that the bachelor’s degree is awarded. In the admission application, the student will be able to indicate that they are currently enrolled as a Grad Track Pathway student.
    7. If a student does not satisfy the pathway requirements above, they may still be admitted to the master’s program, but will not be able to apply the courses from the bachelor’s degree towards their master’s program of study.
    8. Grades earned in graduate-level courses while officially registered as an undergraduate student will count towards the student’s cumulative undergraduate GPA, and cannot be factored into the cumulative graduate GPA.
    9. Credits earned in graduate-level courses will be posted according to established registrar procedures to the undergraduate transcript and will apply towards the student’s undergraduate degree hours as needed to obtain the undergraduate degree and thus ensure all stated degree requirements are met.
    10. Once the bachelor’s degree is awarded, the student is fully admitted to the associated master’s program, and the Form 1 is approved, the courses from the pathway will be included on the student’s graduate degree audit.

1 An example of an exception for undergraduates in Program A having a Grad Track Pathway in Program B, would be that students in undergraduate Program A would normally take classes in Program B to complete their degree, and also that students graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Program A would be admitted to the master’s in Program B with no requirement of leveling courses.


Contact Rachel Johnson, Graduate Student Assistant, 119 Butler-Carlton Hall, 1401 N. Pine St., Rolla, MO 65409-0030.